Haro SD Sealed er pedaler til freestyle BMX med en akseldiameter på 9/16", hvilket betyder, at de er kompatible med two-piece og three-piece kranksæt. De er lavet af plastik, hvilket betyder, at de er meget lette, og samtidig glider de rigtig godt, hvis du laver pedal grinds.
Pedal aksel diameter:
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anmeldelser (2)
"Superflotte pedaler med bred platform og den helt rigtige mængde pins til greb. Meget glatte kuglelejer. Det overrasker mig ikke, at Dennis Enarson bruger dem. Mange tak" | |
Malcolm Stephens (Birmingham) | 01-05-2024 |
Oversat - Vis original |
"Don't like not having 15mm flats on axle. I had to cut these off my cranks (I did apply grease when installing). Also the rubber grommet always comes away from where it should be, allowing dirt to get inside pedal. The pedal feels comfortable but once pins wear a little there is little grip" | |
D. Alizadeh-Ghannad (Hastings) | 28-09-2021 |
Svar fra SkatePro: Thank you so much for your time writing the comment! I'm sorry to hear that you had to cut them. One of our agents will contact you right away to ask you for more information about the incident so that we can find a solution as soon as possible. We remain at your complete disposal if you need anything else. /Skatepro team |